Elder J. Lindsey Williams

Elder J. Lindsey Williams, Sr. is a native of Tucson, Arizona. He accepted the call to preach God's word and was licensed to preach in June 2006. He was ordained in July 2018 at St. John Bible Baptist Church under the leadership of his father, Elder Dr. James D. Williams II. He has received formal religious training from Nyack College and North American School of Theology. Elder Williams currently serves as the Assistant to the Pastor at St. John Bible Baptist Church in Queens, New York.
Elder Williams is very involved in the work of the Baptist denomination and has been blessed to travel and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has preached at services, associations, conferences, and revivals locally and nationally. Currently, he serves as Chairman of the Bridge Ministry (the Young Adult Ministry) within the Empire Baptist Missionary Convention. Elder Williams serves as Music Director for iRock, the Young Adult Division of the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education, an auxiliary to the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc..
He is also the founder of Lindsey Williams and Divine Connection, a gospel recording group and Rocksolid Muzik Group, a music and arts entertainment company.
Elder Williams is a lover of God's word and expounding on the scriptures. As far as the ocean spreads and deep as the ocean runs, his passion is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.